Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day two of vacation...

Well we have finally gotten around to starting our winter projects... First one is the building of a small garage to house the generators, large tools, quad, etc. We started today with the leveling the floor out, welding the floor rail, studs on the northern wall, a few ceiling joists, and headers.... Whew that was a lot. With luck we'll have roof and walls up, just have to make a couple of doors... Our original plan was to reuse a roll up garage door from a relative, but we will not have the height to do so. So barn doors are in the future... Now time to kick back and have beer or two...
My insanity on display

1st day of Vaca 2012...

Spent the day cleaning and organizing the conex, getting my tools cleaned up and put back were they belong. All the while I'm smelling a fresh pot roast cooking in the saloon, and also cupcakes on the BBQ! Gonna be a busy week!

My insanity on display

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bad little blogger...

Hey, life has been very busy around here... and it's not like I'm getting anything done either. I am just taking a little time to regroup and get some things in order. I'll be back I'm sure.

I will not be tolerant. I will not be politically correct. I will not be silent. I will speak the truth. I will do all that is in my power to oppose the Marxist subversion and destruction of this Country and I will not go quietly.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

End of early spring?

I know its only January 15th but the weather has been amazing. Mid 70's since Christmas and yep we've been spoiled! Today a cold front has blown in dipping the temperature quit a bit, with the wind factored in it gives a wind chill of 35! Well I knew it couldn't last for ever... Now to start a fire grab a book and relax this evening...

My insanity on display

Friday, January 13, 2012

The start of our winter projects...

We've gotten a late start this winter on our winter projects. Our plan was to clean up and organize our "junk" pile (I call it the bone yard), then we want to build a small garage to house the bikes, quads, and other large things that need to be under cover, and as always we need to finish the insulating and dry wall the living room.

In the void of the old bone yard, we are going to start planting our orchard of nut and fruit trees, and a new pen for the goats :) a lot of work to get from here to there, but I know it'll be worth it... Now to sit back, have a drink, and settle in for a good book.

My insanity on display

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Long time no blog...

Yep it has been awhile since my last post. The holidays are over, it is the New Year. We are looking at a few changes around the home front, trying to replace our poor broken down blazer, and looking at a more economic form of transportation... Just hope it can make it out to the ranch. The dealership we are dealing with has been very generous and has offered to let me test drive the car we are looking at out to the ranch, to see if it'll make it. The model we are looking at is a small suv that is advertised at 35 mpg. What concerns me is, it is front wheel drive and I am not entirely sure it will make it up the hills especially when it has been raining and snowing. When we do this change we will be getting rid of the two jeeps and the blazer, keeping only the full size jeep Cherokee and the new little car, it will be more challenging getting the supplies we need out to the ranch, but I feel the savings in the fuel alone will help us immensely.

So question to anyone who reads this, front wheel drive will it work for life in the sticks? The vehicle is only 2200 lbs. and has a 200hp I4 so the sand shouldn't be a problem, just concerned with the hills.
My insanity on display

Life update.