Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rebuilding the road yet again.

Today I spent, yet another day off rebuilding our road. These summer storms have been intense to say the least. I can't remember ever having four foot tall weeds in August!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Too much of a good thing?

Yet again this evening we are surrounded by thunderstorms. Not that I'm complaining. It's just I don't think our roads can take too much more abuse. Today on the way home I was flagged down by a couple of people on side-by-sides. They asked how far I was able to make it in my little Soul. I told them "all the way, anyone can four wheel a thirty-thousand dollar Jeep. It takes a real man to four wheel a Kia Soul!" Should have seen their faces, as I drove off! Priceless...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Had so much fun last weekend, that I just had to go for yet another hike!

We've had our fair share of rain this month, more so than I've seen here in August. As I posted in my last post, I spent the day yesterday working on our road, getting it passable. Well, after that hard work, I decided I needed a bit of R&R today. So I decided to take a short hike in the mountains. I had wanted to hike to the peak, but it started to rain as I drove up, so I just did one of the short hikes. a mile up, then back down, and yes it rained the entire time!

Created by My Tracks on Android.

Name: 08/24/2012 10:52am

Activity type: hike deer canyon

Description: Mild to moderate

Total distance: 1.73 km (1.1 mi)

Total time: 1:04:40

Moving time: 24:22

Average speed: 1.60 km/h (1.0 mi/h)

Average moving speed: 4.25 km/h (2.6 mi/h)

Max speed: 6.33 km/h (3.9 mi/h)

Average pace: 37.45 min/km (60.3 min/mi)

Average moving pace: 14.11 min/km (22.7 min/mi)

Fastest pace: 9.48 min/km (15.2 min/mi)

Max elevation: 2012 m (6602 ft)

Min elevation: 1859 m (6099 ft)

Elevation gain: 184 m (604 ft)

Max grade: 0 %

Min grade: 0 %

Recorded: 08/24/2012 10:52am

What a monsoon season!

We've had a series of storms this year, unlike anything we've seen in the past  six years. I've commented on how green it is a few posts back; it's  even greener now. Unfortunately  with the rain comes flash flooding. The main road is closed due to washouts, meaning we have to use the alternate way in, which is a dirt road, which hasn't  fared well either.
Yesterday I spent all day with a shovel and the tractor. Trying to recreate our road.
On another note, I've updated cell phones. 90% of my posts are created on my cell. Including my pictures. Bare with me as I learn this new device; and let me know if the quality of the pictures look any better. With the upgrade comes a 8 MP camera and loggers app. As opposed to my 3 MP and email publishing.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Love these AZ skies.

Watching yet another thunderstorm roll in...

Pics from our weekend in the mountains

I was having some issues with my cell phone this weekend, which was keeping me from uploading photos. I thought I had to replace it, especially since it was drowned from the storm on Saturday! It's up and running today though, so here are some pics from our weekend...

It stormed every day at lest once while we were up there...

Pictures abound...

Every min of the hike little one was trying to get service.

Girls without cell service... it's a fun thing!

Saw a few structures like these throughout the hills

She didn't want to admit it, but she was having fun.

The joys of iPhones

Little one was picking the 'nose' of the mountain.

Just a friendly reminder that we are in the desert.

Almost walked right up on this guy, he wasn't moving for anything!

This is what I call a fire ring, hard to tell, but it's about 12' in diameter. 

These are stadium seats for one of the camps on top of the mountain, and look over the fire ring above.

This is Saturdays storm that was forming while we were hiking.

Thought this was cool, a tree growing out of solid rock.

Life update.