Sunday, January 31, 2010

A fast day off...

Didn't get a lot of time out here this past week, but on my one day off, and not feeling very well, we did get a chance to get a few things done.

We went down to the big orange box to plan out our new bathroom, and ran into a really good sale. So not only did we pick up almost everything we needed we also were able to pick up a few trees for under $4 ea. So today we planted...

My insanity on display!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A nice weekend...

We were able to get a few things done, but we also had some visitors...

My insanity on display!

Monday, January 25, 2010

In the local paper...

The Daily Miner reported rain totals from the last storm. In Kingman 3 inches, Cedar hills (the pass about 7 miles from the ranch) 10 inches of rain! Which puts us around 8 inches... A lot of water for the desert!

My insanity on display!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Winter storm...

Well this year has developed an El Ninó storm pattern, that has dumped a lot of water on the northwest part of Arizona this week. We had wind, sleet, hail, and snow... But I'm happy to announce that we made it through just fine.
While there has been widespread power outages in the area, we still had the little power we need. Even with the clouds are aolar panel was able to keep up with the demand.
After the storms, the tempature has been down right cols, we've spent the last couple of nights in the winter room, were the stove has kept it a nice 77 °!
This next week we are going to re-add another member to our ranks, my father n law who first moved out here with us and later moved to vegas, is going to move back. We are going to set him up with another great solar system and show him some of the stuff we've learned.

My insanity on display!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Updated pictures

With Christmas done and over, the winter room had to be revamped. We also found some interesting things to hang on the walls to make it a bit more... Interesting.

It was nice having the time off to get a few of these projects done, but there is a whole lot of other projects to be completed. We made some progress on the saloon this week, a big learning curve, using 6x6 to construct it. I'm sure there a few more things for us to learn during construction, so I won't say we're out of the woods yet. Like always, I'll keep everyone posted.

My insanity on display!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The damage...

My finger... After12hrs of work, and hitting it for 12hrs... Not too bad, but hurts like... Well, it hurts.

My insanity on display!

The fruits of a wk vacation...

Been working a lot around the ranch, here's a few pics of our progress...

My insanity on display!

Mid day recap...

Other than hitting my damn finger, progress has been made...

My insanity on display!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mid-day recap

about a foot over floor level, only 9 more feet left!

My insanity on display!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Work resumes....

Been working on the saloon today, have the foundation is set and the first couple of rows are set, looks as if it will take some time to get it completed. When finished it will be 20x20 and over 10' high.

My insanity on display!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's been a long wait...

Little one has had to wait for a long six months, but her swingset is up again and better than ever!

My insanity on display!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Well got a few things done...

Well swingset isn't up yet, but we did get a few things done. Cleaned the yard, set the foundation for the new building, and dug the holes for the swingset. With luck we'll get the swingset welded and set tomorrow.

day was great though, arond 70 degrees! I love Jan thaw!

Quick update

We've really enjoyed the January thaw. Temps have neen around 65-70 all week and we have been able to get a few things done outside. Not sure if our luck will hold out through my vacation next week, it does look as though the weather is going to turn. Today is overcast, and not over 40...

On the agenda, is to get little one's swing set up again and make her a play area. Afterwards its time for a little mechanics once over on our cars. That rough road likes to tear things up.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The fruits of our labor

I forgot to include a pic of our labor yesterday, so here they are, minus the road work, still too cold to take that walk.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Been working around the ranch

Had to move a wood pile, tear out a couple of trees, grade... Wow what a day! Couldn't ask for a nicer one, around 75 degrees, no wind, it was perfect!

Life update.