Sunday, August 28, 2011

The next day...

Decided to go my usual way home tonight, as you may remember from yesterday that wasn't successful, today we had more rain in the local mountains, but I decided to go for it anyway! Here's what it looked like today... Notice we're missing half our road... Wonder if fox news would like to cover this storm surge for thirty-six hours, like Hurricane Irene?
Didn't think so...

My insanity on display

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Drive home...

I've never tried to post a video, so here goes nothing...

What I encountered on the way home...

My insanity on display

Friday, August 19, 2011

New comments...

It appears my little one has found the blog, and has seen fit to leave a few comments. 18 at last count. I love to get her perspective on this crazy lifestyle. That and it gives her some spelling practice.

Love you Goose!

My insanity on display

Strange site...

Finally dragged my sleepy butt out of bed around 9 this morning. It was a terrible night sleep. It never went below 86 last night. I was a bit concerned around 3am it smelled like rained, so I got up with baited breath and looked up into the sky to see nothing but stars... I checked the radar and again saw nothing but clear sky.
Fast forward to this morning and we have clear skies above, but we are surrounded by a thick layer of fog, so thick we can not see any of the mountains surrounding us! Differently a strange sight for us. Only seen this a couple of times in the past, and only after a storm.
So here we are again, 87 degrees with 27 percent humidity. Leave it to me to go to sleep on the west coast and wake up on what feels like the east!
My insanity on display

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A simple mistake led to a new discovery

We have been careful not to put to much stress on the inverters or batteries since putting them in. We have always had enough power, for light tasking. Watching a movie, sewing, computers, lights all night long. What I didn't know was the wife was mistakenly using it to also vacuum! Why is that a big deal? Well, it uses 12 amps! Double what everything else together uses... Add to that the fact that both inverters are on, ceiling fans, lights, desk fan, TV and dvd player... Now that is a load!

The out come... Batts were a flat 12v but the panels were keeping up with the demand! That is great news, and means to us that by next summer if we double our system we should be able to power a small AC! Sweet!
My insanity on display

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Just hanging...

Going to spend some much needed R&R at the ranch the next 48hrs. I've been having some technical difficulties with my phone, so not sure how often I'll get to post next few days. I hope to have everything fixed soon. Till than have a great week.

My insanity on display

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Long time no post...

It's been a hot dry summer this year! We started out promising, lots of moisture in the air, high dew point, but nothing in the way of monsoon rainfall! This afternoon was a great example, I see the clouds, I see the rain falling, I smell the rain, but nothing close enough to do any good!

My insanity on display

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cool sight...

Not sure how well you can see this, but on the way into town yesterday I had an amazing show of a hawk hunting a lizard. I watched him zero in, dive down and eat his catch, he was quick and I was only able to get a few snap shots, with luck on a larger screen you can make him out. He was eye level with me in the car, for quite some time, and not vary far when he was chowing down.

My insanity on display

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Heat advisory.

Just received a heat advisory for today. Let me tell you, I believe it. Already over 93 degrees, very little breeze, and yep you guessed it. Humid. I'm ready for summer to be over. I'm tired of being hot all the time. The constant humidity this summer is getting old. I wouldn't mind the humidity, or the heat if it produced a thunderstorm or two. This summer we've seen very little storm activity. I know we had an unusually wet and cold spring, I was guessing that it would produce a dry hot summer. I was prepared for that, but this humidity was unexpected.
Ok now that that is out of my system, I will get on with life. Life on the ranch this last week was short. Spent most of the time in town. The next couple of days are time off. We were supposed to meet out of State family in the local mountains for a camping trip, but plans have changed. So it looks like a good time to tinker around the house.

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display

Life update.