Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ya know it's cold...

When you wake up seeing your breath, inside the house! Woke up to 34 degrees inside this morning... Which is warmer than the 19, it is outside! Just how did a Southern Californian end up in a frozen arctic?

So with that I must go check on the fire again.
-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Winter already...

We've had some real cold days lately, colder than normal, and its been hanging around awile... And today is no exception. In fact its snowing this morning! Thankfully we have the new stove in the saloon installed so work can continue inside at least. Got to love living in the high desert.

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The porch...

I'm calling this "the porch" because this is massive...

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

In a total food haze... But had a great time stuffing our face.

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone is planning on having a great Thanksgiving and is keeping warm this cold eve. It is currently (midnight) 24 degrees here on the ranch, and it's expecting to drop into the teens by sun up! Needless to say the stove is cherry red and keeping us warm tonight.

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Friday, November 19, 2010

In the weather...


It shows a slight chance of rain in the forecast, and we had over 400 square feet of bare sheeting! So although I was feeling under the weather we had to get the roof done... So with that chore out of the way, we started on the front porch...

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

I will not be tolerant. I will not be politically correct. I will not be silent. I will speak the truth. I will do all that is in my power to oppose the Marxist subversion and destruction of this Country and I will not go quietly.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Today we play...

Little one and I decided to go on a group hike down in Yucca today. We did a bit of rock climbing and found some cool things. It was a great day, perfect weather for a hike...

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Friday, November 12, 2010

Now it really looks like something special...

Have the roof sheeted, and put the door and the windows in... One step further to being finished!

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Just a bit chilly outside.

Well, so much for fall. I'm calling this the first week of winter, our night time lows have been around the 30 degree mark all week. Day time highs are around 55. This morning I woke up to 26 degrees! Really singing the praise of wood heat this morning, stoked the fire around 5 am, put a pot of coffee on, now that I'm up, its 70 inside the house and my coffee is done and waiting...

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What a night...

Woke up to 30 degrees outside... But a nice toasty 50 inside...

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First really cold night...

It never really did warm up today, the high was 58 here at the ranch. Yesterday it reached a low of 32 degrees at 8 am, but tonight it is already 34 degrees at 11pm! Gonna be a cold one... But don't worry about us, the wood stove is doing great, it is a bit warm inside at 78!
Well, I better go to sleep, I have to be up in two hours for more wood on the fire! Got to love this lifestyle!

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Monday, November 8, 2010

Working weekend

I've had a few technical problems the past few days, my cell has decided it no longer wants to correct my photo orientation... I think I may need to reset the G-Sensor... but that is neither here nor there. Last weekend we set what has become to be known as "The Beast" into place, our new (new to us) generator. We also worked on the saloon... here is our progress...

I will not be tolerant. I will not be politically correct. I will not be silent. I will speak the truth. I will do all that is in my power to oppose the Marxist subversion and destruction of this Country and I will not go quietly.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sorry for the lack of posts...

i've been on vacation for the past few days, and have been working like crazy at the ranch. We have made a lot of headway on the saloon project, we are a good days worth of work behind, but it feels good to have gotten as much done as we have.
-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

Life update.