Monday, February 28, 2011

In all the excitment...

Last Saturday we had what has to be the greatest winter storm so far out here. It started raining in the morning, rained all day, and around 7pm it started to snow, not stopping until 9am Sunday morning! I had the opportunity to mud bog coming home from work, and slip and slid in the snow and ice going back the next day... Very fun weekend.

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A new working kitchen...

Besides some trim work, and the bar "island" this kitchen is now fully functional.

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Getting one step closer... (Corrected post)

Been a long project, but this is were we are today... Tomorrow the fridge will be moved in, then we are functional. Only thing left is the bar, and a few finishing touches...

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I feel so accomplished...

The inside of the saloon is now chinked. Meaning it is now officially sealed from the outside, and can be used!

I was able to have a few extra hours to work on it due to the weather today. We had a nice snow storm come through the area today, and my work decided they were over staffed for the day. So after being at work for 45 min, they sent me home. If I didn't have this project to finish, I would have been peeved. But it all worked out.

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display

Saturday, February 19, 2011

And another step closer.

Made headway on the kitchen/saloon... It now has a working name (Smith's Bar & Grill) We now have running water, and all the cabinets are in place around the appliances. Next week we will install the fridge in its alcove. Also all the interior walls have been chinked, making it now sealed from the outside. What a difference it made!

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another succesful day...

Another step closer, by tomorrow the Saloon should be sealed on the inside. We also should have the cabinet done under the BBQ... I'll post pics later.

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The results of vacation...

It may not look like much, but here is the front door, trimmed and sealed, the kitchen set up, and the pantry door. Don't forget the chinking we've done (two interior walls done, two to go, then in the spring we do the outside!)

A note on the chinking, we are using a home made mixture of 3 parts sand (locally found on the ranch), 1/2 part lime, 1 part Portland. So far it looks like it is going to do a great job...

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display

Thursday, February 3, 2011

On the downward slide of vacation...

Been very quite here at the ranch. Just been dealing with the cold, and its been cold. The past few nights have in the teens, and a few days haven't been over the 30 degree mark... That's just too cold.

Well, enough about the weather, this vacation has been focused on finishing the saloon... Well at least getting it functional. First part of the week we worked on cutting into the pantry wall and installing a new door. Also went through and started working on the envelope, getting it mouse and bug proof. We have been chinking the inside walls today, and have the sink base, stove, and BBQ set. (yes we are putting in a cast-iron triple burner propane BBQ inside the saloon. No more cooking our steaks in the 30mph 5 degree wind chill blow all the time wind we have) The plan is to install the new counter top and sink tomorrow. Also to continue the chinking.

This weekend little one and I are going on another 4H hiking trip. I've been having a lot of problems with one of my knees, so I hope it doesn't give me too much problem. I really hate to have it go out last day of vacation.

So again so sorry for taking the month of January off from blogging, I'll try to be a bit more on the ball...

-------------------------------------------------My insanity on display

Life update.