Sunday, September 1, 2013

Holy Flash Floods Batman!

Ok been away from Blogging for awhile. Just got back from an amazing vacation with the family. We drove from home in Az, to Eugene, to Kettle Falls, through northern Idaho, into Montana, and then spent three days in the Salt Lake city area. Big news in the works, we may just relocate to that area in the near future. But that is neither here nor there...
While we were away, our home has been hit with flash flood producing monsoon storms every day! Looking at 10 days of storms, and more in the forcast. We now have grass a foot tall, our roads are wiped out, and I get to work 8 days straight, so no time to fix them! Loving that life in the sticks!


Stephen said...

Hang in there. Great pictures and I really like the last with all the black clouds in the distance.

Humble wife said...

We have been having flash floods as well. No roads out as of yet, but the rain is nearly every day.


Life update.