Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just going through some old documents...

I came upon this one written by my grandmother, which is a good perspective on who we are. It was written as an email sent to some out of state family that was coming out to visit, just thought I would share...

oh... The original title was "Melt down" :)

HI Everybody......enjoyed all of your letters and now I will tell you about my gene lineage......No one from my gene pool has a college degree, some have gone to college but never finished...... all of us have had Jobs but no careers....none of us own or operate any business of our own...... we all chose to have the number of children in our immediate families.......All of us married people of our social & economical status....Our extensive travelling is to city parks and local casinos....We all have lived in or still are living in mobile homes (you know the ones with wheels).....We don't smoke but we do social drinking......And for the most part we are blue jeans and tee shirt people.....near about rednecks you might say.....just don't want you to have culture shock when you come out here and if your real good we might take you to our 80 acres outside of town,with real flush toilets and running water from our water tank which has to be hauled in ,no electricity but hav
e generators.....This is just a synopsis of who we are, will tell you more later...By the way our mother came from the back Hills of Missouri what do you expect.....

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