Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanskgiving preperations...

We've been working non-stop for the past week, getting ready for the holiday. We are expecting almost 20 people for this, our first year at the ranch. I started a post last night with what we've done and what we need to do; but it quickly turned into a rant about "Black Friday" and the new retail holy-day... I'm going to moth ball that thought for now, and just get back to the work that needs to be done.
We need to finish our deep cleaning of our living spaces, I also have planned to finish the trim around the new storm door on the saloon and the front window. That way at least one wall (of many) will be done 100%!
So enough blogging, time to get to work.

My insanity on display www.pioneeringaz.blogspot.com

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