Thursday, November 17, 2011

Work a little, then work a little more...

Had to go into the orange this morning for a quick training session for some new hardware we received. While I was there I picked up some lumber and a ripping guide for my Skill Saw, then headed home with a half dozen of Dunkin' Donuts and enough time to rip down some lumber to trim out the saloon door, move the full-light storm door, then install our new (marked down door we bought at the big orange last month half off!) self-storing storm door to the front of our winter room. Had to do a bit of engineering to move the already installed handle up to clear the door handle of the front door. Then before putting everything away, I finally got around to trimming out one of our windows we installed last year... Whew... It's been a busy day... Time for a beer.

My insanity on display


Modern Day Redneck said...

I hear ya on that one, I have one in the ice box I have been waiting to drink all week.

Flier389 said...

I like your porch. And maybe two beers might be in order.

Life update.