Sunday, January 26, 2020

I read something today that I just can’t stop thinking about... “Most of us men struggle not with the fact that we’re designed for adventure. On some level, we can accept that. No, we tend to struggle rather with what, exactly, we’re willing to call “adventure.” We like to define, on our own terms, what is adventure and what is not. The word itself conjures images of climbing mountains, or jumping from airplanes, or backpacking deep into the backcountry. And these are adventures, sure. But . . . What about when God calls us to risk a friendship by engaging in a tough conversation (Ephesians 4:15)? What about when God calls us to take a risk with our careers or our finances (Matthew 19:21)? What about when God simply calls us to serve others in a way that makes us uncomfortable (Matthew 25:40)? Are these less worthy of the title, adventure?”

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