Saturday, November 28, 2020


CARLSBAD, Calif. — A Carlsbad woman found stabbed to death on a trail in Hosp Grove had been posting messages online, searching for a hiking partner.

Lisa Thorborg, 68, had only lived in Carlsbad about six months, before she was found stabbed to death in Hosp Grove West, just blocks away from her home on Buena Vista Way.

The former physical therapist posted on Nextdoor earlier this month, searching for a hiking buddy.

"Hiking anyone? I am looking for a friend to go hiking with. I am a moderate hiker, 68 years of age and I would love some company," Thorborg wrote on November 9.

Neighbors on Nextdoor said they reported the victim's post to Carlsbad Police investigators, who still want to question a man seen in the area Monday morning at the time of the murder.

The person wanted for questioning was described as white or Latino, 5'10" to 6'3" tall, husky, wearing black, and walking with a limp.

Neighbor Gary Dwelley called police Friday afternoon after he went for a bike ride with friends near Camp Pendleton on Las Pulgas Poad, and noticed a man acting strangely.

"We tried to talk to him. He acted very strange and then he took a swipe, almost like he's swiping us with a knife. But he didn't have knife and he did it in the air," said Dwelley.

Dwelley said one of his neighbors found Thorborg's body on the trail while hiking Monday morning with family.

"They saw somebody who they thought was sleeping. They yelled at them. They didn't move and he went over and inspected the situation -- and he was with his daughter and his granddaughter -- and he realized what the situation was and they went and they called 911," said Dwelley.

Thorborg was a former resident of Portland, Oregon. Her husband passed away in 2017 and she moved to Carlsbad in May with her daughter's family, according to her profile on Nextdoor.

Neighbors are organizing a walk to honor the victim. They will meet at 10 a.m. on Saturday, November 28 at the trailhead parking on Monroe Street in Hosp Grove. Jason @BeardedOverland

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