Saturday, February 11, 2012

Progress on the mini-vaca...

We took yesterday off to go into town, do a few errands and have a family dinner down in Laughlin. It was nice to have a great steak dinner, gamble a bit, walk along the river, all those great things that are available in this area. Which leads me to today...

Since the weather has been so nice, we started pouring the slab for the floor of the shop. I started out making six runs for fill dirt and sand in my Samurai dump truck. It worked flawless. We were able to pour the ramp in the hallway, and a strip along the back wall. Then this afternoon, with the help of my little one, we were able to run over an additional 5 loads of sand (after the half dozen loads in the morning, I have a big enough hole that I can back the Samurai in and bring the height of the dump bed low enough that little one can help fill it up) for tomorrows work. If the weather holds out, we will be able to finish the pour. Running total for the shop is $70 with an additional $30 for the rest of the Portland cement we'll need.

My insanity on display

1 comment:

Flier389 said...

Just wondering, have you thought of running some of your sand through a dry washer, or maybe a small sluice. If you have any black sand mixed in with your other sand. You might have some gold.

Just a thought. Maybe something to check. If there is any gold in your sand, it will be real fine. But worth checking.

Life update.