Thursday, September 22, 2011

Now if this isn't a well stocked saloon...

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a review of our local distillery, D3, and their three flavors of rum, and their premium vodka. At that time we only purchased a sampler to get to know their products better. Well yesterday I took the time to stop by and pick up a bottle of their Agave Rum in honors of out of state visitors who are making their way to the ranch this week. It's a sweet rum, that makes a great sipper, it is locally produced and sold, which means it will get top shelf treatment in my saloon, and will be proudly served to visitors... If there is any left when they get here!

Want to try some for yourself? If you are in the Kingman area, stop by their place at the Kingman airport on Olympia for a tour and a taste, they also have a retail outlet to purchase. If you are going to visit Laughlin, run across the river and buy it at Sam's Club. There are more outlets in Phoenix and Vegas, for details check out their website listed on my blog.

And no I do not receive anything for their mention. Just love their product, and would like to see a local producer flourish.

My insanity on display

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